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在GI+DB情况下,19c EM EXPRESS不显示的问题

更新时间: 2021-08-18 15:08

Wallet file permissions when RDBMS sits on top of GI with role separation -- This case is only applicable to UNIX platform.

The wallet files should have permission 0600, and that doesn't allow successful display of the EM Express page when RDBMS sits on top of GI with role separation.
The XDB wallet is stored in the $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<db_name>/xdb_wallet directory . If ORACLE_BASE is not defined, the XDB wallet is stored in $ORACLE_HOME/admin/<db_name>/xdb_wallet, where <db_name> is the unique database name.
ls -l would show
-rw------- 1 oracle asmadmin 3926 Jun 28 13:45 cwallet.sso
-rw------- 1 oracle asmadmin 3881 Jun 28 13:45 ewallet.p12

changing mode to 640 to allow for group asmadmin to read the wallet files makes the EM Express page available via browser.
chmod 640 $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<db_name>/xdb_wallet
chmod 640 $ORACLE_HOME/admin/<db_name>/xdb_wallet
The wallet can also be recreated with :
SQL>conn / as sysdba;


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